

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Christmas Cards are back!

Holla! sorry i took quite some time to post the actual design of this year's card! I'm thankful that there are a bunch of you that bought my cards nevertheless without seeing much of the design :') i'm really touched by all your support!

Special edition xmas cards
1 card for $3
4 cards for $10
8 cards for $16
12 cards for $20
20 cards for $30
40 cards for $52

So here's the 2k15's watercolour design:

Also, Post card verses design are still available!
I haven quite a number of designs with me which i think its too many to post everything, but i have some of the designs are shown below!


post card size
Any verses are designable upon personal request! (add. charges may apply)

1 card @ SGD 2
4 cards @ SGD 7
8 cards @ SGD 14

pm me if any more enquires! (: Open for orders even after christmas!
xoxo, Vee

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

BREAK OUT (escape now or never!)

Hihi people! Previously i was sharing on instagram about the thrills i had at BreakOut Escape Game with the smitten ladies, and now i finally had time to talk about it more!

So we managed to try 2 out of the 3 rooms they had, and it was such an eye opener partially cause it was my first ever escape game. It was really interesting!
Because there was around 8 of us, we separated ourselves into 2 groups and entered 2 different themed rooms before teaming up for the last and biggest room.

My group went for the "FOREVER YOUNG" themed room, plot is about a woman wanting everlasting youth, and some girls that went astray happen to find out about the woman's secret. Totally felt like a detective, the room had the perfect atmosphere for this theme, one of the darkest room! We practically took down the whole room trying to find codes here and there! haha never have i been so diligent looking into every details of what's in the room (toys, frames, wall, many more!)

The one all of us went together was the "MAGICIAN'S SECRET". This really require a lot of team work, even when there was 8 of us, it took us quite awhile to figure things out and we exceeded the time by 5mins!!! (at least we made it, so its not too bad, HAHA) Totally mind blown in how things were set up, and sometimes we gotta not just think outside the box but think WITHOUT the box, hahaha. The 8 of us sure got our brains fried. Nevertheless it was so much fun, and plus point for bonding session because we are stuck together in the room.
I would like to thank BreakOut Sg for having us and being really patient at explaining the games!
Here's the deal im gonna share to you guys!
Quote "Smitten" to enjoy 3 games for $50 instead of the usual $19/pax (weekdays before 5pm) and $22/pax (weekdays after 5pm, weekends and PHs). Games can be booked on the same day or separate days! Don't miss out the fun!

Do check out their social media for more updates and info below:

Contact: 6226 2688 or info@breakout.com.sg

Props for some photo taking session after the game! wheeeeeeee.

Breakout Real Life Escape Game is located @ 31 Kreta Ayer Rd.

Nearest MRT: Outram Park (NE3/EW16)
Nearest Bus Stop: 05241; Opp Blk 333
Bus available: 80, 145

xoxo, Vee

Sunday, 9 August 2015

New Phrase (face) , wait what?

Let me start of my post with a smile, (inserts* smiley with teeth).  Yeap, you would probably guessed it right, I have officially joined the nerd club ; BRACE FACE.

If you asked, it actually took me quite long before i sort of come to the decision of putting on braces. I have never dared to do it since young, mainly because of the fear of pain, or rather i assume that my pain tolerance is super low, piercing my upper ear is already an issue, though i did it in the end, and tattoos...yes...i really wanted one, but my courage level is not there yet. Back to the topic ; another reason would be the fear of going to the dentist, just a harmless check up during the schooling days already scares me. Lastly, the adults (parents/relatives) around me didn't think it was necessary and thinks it's a waste of money.

Even though there are the fears, part of me would love to look better. Who doesn't wants to have perfect and straight teeth? who doesn't want to be able to smile confidently especially in close ups? What's more, i really think braces looks nice on people, lol.

I don't know why, some how along the way, it just happened, it happened so quickly, it wasn't in my mind, and it seems like it's all planned by God, like how God prompted my dad that he changed his mind, how people around me encouraged me, how i really want to prove to this particular person who brought me down in the past that i can be better off,  how i got to met this lady at a random retail stall who recommended me and my dad to a good dentist. These are like the first steps. The second step came when i had to extract 4 teeth, which WAS the worst nightmare of my life, nothing can describe how afraid i was, every moment thinking of the pain i had to go through. YES I'M A SCARDY CAT OKAY. How i eventually GOT through it... was God as well. There's a unexplainable peace He gave while counting down the days. AND IT DIDN'T HURT AS MUCH AS I THOUGHT IT WOULD, in fact it wasn't that bad... when friends said it was like ant bite, who am i kidding right? i thought so to myself, but now, i totally agree. It was painful, but i could take it, so THANK GOD.

So that's it. Here i am still alive and well. Thanks to all who asked and cared about me during this period. (i shall exclude those obviously just kpo ones) haha.

Braces made a big change to my lifestyle. Here are some changes, mostly typical, others are just me :
- Metals and foreign little objects in your mouth = GaoWei.  Especially parts that go against your gums and lips.
- I can no longer bite off from my front teeth, which means i can no longer eat my apple and bite my chicken wings the same again :<
- My front teeth seems pretty useless as of now, while the back teeth are working super hard every time i eat.
- I eat a lot and i don't think twice when i eat, but now i have to say no to certain kinds of food , BUT IT SHALL NOT STOP ME FROM EATING AND EATING. FOOD MAKES ME HAPPY, YOU DO NOT TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME. Sadly this may be the reason why i'm easily moody nowadays because braces deprived me of certain good food, not for long that i can't chew, but sometimes it's just the problem of food camping in between your brackets.
-Talking bout' that, I have never been more diligent in brushing and cleaning my teeth, takes me about 10-15mins just to keep my entire mouth clean, making sure no food is stuck in between ANY teeth or brackets, yup i'm not lazy and i'm super anal bout' it.
-I have to go to the toilet after every meal just to clean my teeth. (it's already a habit)
-It causes me to develop sweet tooth... something that i won't really go for in the past. Maybe because they are mostly soft. (ice cream, cakes, pudding)
-I can't help but drool when i sleep. HEH.
-I can smile widely without being insecure already. Braces blocked out the flaws.
-I fear less now. (of the dentist)
- Eats much slower (duh, i take longer time to chew)
-I can't pronounce some words.

ok, i can't think of anything else at the moment but i'm sure there's more. In any case, I like braces :) They are actually pretty nice to have.

Here's the brace faces:


Tuesday, 26 May 2015

I will tell you all about it when i see you again.

Hello hello...
darn, it's been so long since i updated this space yea... well, kinda lost tid bit of motivation and life has been...pretty boring in this period of time i must say. And... this would probably be the most "late night thoughts" kind of post, i promise to keep up the spirit in times to come, haha. If you must know, i blurpppp out all my thoughts mainly on my tumblr , so go ahead if you are that curious, please also know that i am only human uh, so no judging kk (:

This period is really a waiting period for me. I am still so uncertain about my next phrase of life. Uni is my main concern, NTU has kept me waiting since forever, and the deadline to accept a uni is like next week? thus time is not on my side and i have to make a decision soon, I pray and pray that NTU can give a proper reply like SOON, and do keep me in prayers yea (:

Been working part time and freelance opportunities still (thank God) , been attending alumni trainings every 3-4 days a week, so you can picture me dancing half of my week away, tiring but good workout excuse too, to keep my body in shape, haha. So as you can see, life has been pretty the norm for me, just..nothing much to look forward to as for now, so sometimes i just feel a little 'sian' . Wanted to travel so badly too.

Just need to remind myself to continue to let God be the anchor of everything, life isnt bad, but that doesn't mean i don't need him, in fact we will always need Him more than we think we should.

"May i never forget. On my best day, that i still need God as desperately as i did on my worst day"

Typing this paragraph got me reminded of the times i get to spend with my friends one to one, I am truly thankful for the friendships forged, you know who you are if you have been seeing me at least once this month, hehe. I love you guys.

Oh follow me on snapchat: thosepixels for live updates!
As for why the name... cuz i had an account wayyyyy before snapchat was updated and became main stream, about 3 years ago (?!) , the period where snapchat can only be used within one to one friends in your contact list, and ya, that was also my past instagram name, lol. I grew up ok. haha.

And to end of with pictures to lighten the mood!

xoxo, Vee