darn, it's been so long since i updated this space yea... well, kinda lost tid bit of motivation and life has been...pretty boring in this period of time i must say. And... this would probably be the most "late night thoughts" kind of post, i promise to keep up the spirit in times to come, haha. If you must know, i blurpppp out all my thoughts mainly on my tumblr , so go ahead if you are that curious, please also know that i am only human uh, so no judging kk (:
This period is really a waiting period for me. I am still so uncertain about my next phrase of life. Uni is my main concern, NTU has kept me waiting since forever, and the deadline to accept a uni is like next week? thus time is not on my side and i have to make a decision soon, I pray and pray that NTU can give a proper reply like SOON, and do keep me in prayers yea (:
Been working part time and freelance opportunities still (thank God) , been attending alumni trainings every 3-4 days a week, so you can picture me dancing half of my week away, tiring but good workout excuse too, to keep my body in shape, haha. So as you can see, life has been pretty the norm for me, just..nothing much to look forward to as for now, so sometimes i just feel a little 'sian' . Wanted to travel so badly too.
Just need to remind myself to continue to let God be the anchor of everything, life isnt bad, but that doesn't mean i don't need him, in fact we will always need Him more than we think we should.
"May i never forget. On my best day, that i still need God as desperately as i did on my worst day"
Typing this paragraph got me reminded of the times i get to spend with my friends one to one, I am truly thankful for the friendships forged, you know who you are if you have been seeing me at least once this month, hehe. I love you guys.
Oh follow me on snapchat: thosepixels for live updates!
As for why the name... cuz i had an account wayyyyy before snapchat was updated and became main stream, about 3 years ago (?!) , the period where snapchat can only be used within one to one friends in your contact list, and ya, that was also my past instagram name, lol. I grew up ok. haha.
And to end of with pictures to lighten the mood!
xoxo, Vee
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